Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Belated BirthdayJyolin!

I'm so sorry this is late. I had some problems with the internet connection last night.

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to yo,
Happy Birthday to Jyolin,
Happy Birthday to you!

Thanks for the yummy almond jelly. Here are the pictures taken to celebrate this special day =)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Birthday Months

January babies - the most for a single month!
Isa - The only February baby in class!

Seraphine - The only March baby in class!

April babies
May babies

June babies

July babies
August babies

September babies

October babies
November babies 

December babies

Happy Birthday Joye!

Happy birthay to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Joye,
Happy birthday to you!

Thanks for the yummy cakes, crackers and jelly! I'm sure everyone enjoyed it.

I was busy giving out the cakes that I forgot to take pictures. Oops. So pardon the lack of pictures taken.

Our Birthday girl with her favourite friends!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weekend Homework

Just a gentle reminder. You have to log on to and under 'view assignments', you should see 3 assignments from me. These are due on Mon, 10 Jan. As mentioned in class, those that fail to achieve 70% of more for either assignment, you will have an extra assignment to do on Tuesday. This is to make sure you are really able to apply what you have learnt before you move on.

For science, you will have to read the 1st chapter in the 'Cycles' textbook.

Have a great weekend. I will see you on Monday =)

Happy Belated Birthday Davina!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Davina,
Happy birthday to you!

I'm so sorry this is one day late. Hope you liked the card =)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Homework for today

Dear girls,

You will have to complete p1-5 of your AB and it will be due tmr. Remember to read through after you have written in words to see if it makes sense. Also, don't forget to sign off your cheques!

A gentle reminder that temperature exercise will take place tmr@8am. Ms Yvonne Goh will be doing it with you all. Pls do not run up to the class and do take the temperature-taking exercise seriously.

See you tmr in school =)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Chevonne!

The first girl in the class to turn 11! I hope you had a great birthday!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to CHEVONNE,
Happy birthday to you!

Presenting 5 Peace 2011...

37 lovely girls... (Absent - Ellis)