Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to do well in Science

Dear all,

You'll be having your CA1 in another 10 days or so. I have uploaded all the P3 and P4 Science Revision topics in LMS for you to go through. It may seem a little overwhelming to have 21 lesson packages assigned to you but some of it is just tutorials or 1 quiz in it. Make an effort to go through a few each day and you'll be done very quickly. Below are some tips to do well in Science. I got it from the net =)

1. In science class, talking to friends is not good. You have to give your full and undivided attention.
2. Join the science experiments. Try to show that you care and that you want to be there. You could improve your grades a lot, if you usually don't do it.
3. Know how you learn. Do you have to see to learn, hear to learn, or are you a hands-on sort of person? If you discover this, it could help in all of your classes.
4. Pay attention. Remember that goofing-off or going to sleep isn't going to get you anywhere. Listen to what the teacher has to say and nod once in awhile to show that you're listening.
5. Study. You knew this one was coming, right? Don't worry, though. Ask the teacher if you don't get something. When you have free time, just flip through the textbook. It could be for only a minute - it doesn't have to be a long session.
6. Try not to get fustrated. If you don't understand something, just ask the teacher, and they will help.
7. Don't put yourself down. Doing so would make you feel like you can't achieve this, which isn't true. If you put your mind to it - you will be able to do it.
8. Don't get discouraged if there's someone who's better in your class. You don't have to be a genius and know everything - just get good grades. Do your best and you might find yourself getting the title of "the best science student."
9. Make the best of it. Who says science has to be boring? Study with your friends or read some paragraphs from the textbook a few times. You'll find yourself understanding the material and feeling much more confident.
10. Don't drastically change overnight. It's great to have a lot of motivation, but let's face it; you won't be able to transform in a second. Slowly make your transition. Study more - but not all at once. You don't want to get discouraged once you realize that you lost that momentary strong motivation.
Remember, it isn't sufficient to rely on your Science TB alone. You'll need to read widely and pay attention to things around you. Science is all around you! You must be able to apply the concepts learnt.
All of you can do it!

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